Personal Data Protection Notice

Body Perfect Group of Companies will process your personal data as listed below which have/has been provided by you to The Body Perfect Group of Companies or any of The Body Perfect Group of Companies personnel.

The Body Perfect Group of Companies comprises:-

  • Body Perfect Sdn Bhd
  • Body Perfect (KL) Sdn Bhd
  • Body Perfect (Southpoint) Sdn Bhd
  • Body Perfect (Sunway) Sdn Bhd

The data / information collected includes your name, address, email address, birth date, phone numbers, identification card number / passport number, race, gender, nationality, religion, occupation, designation, name of company and etc. Apart from these data, we will also be compiling sensitive personal data which includes the history of your treatments done and/or records (face and / or body) and product purchases, lifestyle, skincare regimen, health / medical conditions and such other data that we shall require to allow us to offer you the best products and services.
We will process the personal data for the following purposes:

  • To customise and tailor make treatments / protocols for your skin’s / body’s needs
  • To communicate and proceed with necessary follow-up services
  • To facilitate the provision of treatments and services to you
  • To process your payment transactions
  • To maintain / update customer database and customer service related processes
  • To respond to your queries
  • To administer your participation in contests (if applicable)
  • To conduct internal activities
  • To analyse market surveys and trend analysis
  • To meet legal and statutory requirements
  • General operations of our business
  • To provide you with regular communications (other than direct marketing materials) relating to the services provided by The Body Perfect Group of Companies
  • To investigate complaints and suspected suspicious transactions

Disclosure Of Your Information
If required for any of the foregoing purposes, we may disclose your information to the following parties in view of the above stated purposes:-

  • Our staff
  • Our management
  • Employees of relevant third party as shall be necessary
  • In circumstances where delay or default of payment has occurred and / or other disputes, to our appointed lawyers, financial institutions, Customer Relationship Management system providers and appointed business associates
  • Any person who is under a duty of confidentiality who has undertaken to keep such data confidential

We may also disclose the personal data if required to do so by law or in good faith, if such action is necessary to:-

  • Comply with requirements of any law enforcement agency, court order or legal process; or
  • Protect and defend rights or property of The Body Perfect Group of Companies, its personnel and its related and / or group of companies.

We will be storing your personal data (inclusive of sensitive personal data) within our office premises and the personal data (inclusive of sensitive personal data) will be kept by our Management securely. The personal data (inclusive of sensitive personal data) will be retained by our Management for such duration as our Management may require, to enable us to offer such products and/or to provide such services and/or treatments to you. In the event that you no longer wish that we retain your personal data (inclusive of sensitive personal data), please inform us in writing and we will proceed to destroy and/or delete your personal data (inclusive of sensitive personal data) held by us.Access, Corrections And Complaints

If you would like to make any enquiries or complaints or request access or correction of the personal data (inclusive of sensitive personal data) or to limit the processing of your information at any time hereafter, you may contact our Personal Data Protection department by emailing us at Any request to access or correct the personal data may be subject to the requirements under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.